Sprite Major 4 SB Grande

4 Berth | 1507 kgs | 2022 | 24'

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This is the Sprite Major 4 SB Grande which In recent years has gained immense popularity, thanks in part to its increased width, which imparts an enhanced sense of spaciousness. It features a comprehensive washroom at the rear, complete with a shower cubicle. In the center, there's a transverse island bed that, owing to the caravan's added width, offers ample room for easy movement. The kitchen is fully equipped for cooking, and the front lounge provides enough seating for four individuals during the day, which can be conveniently transformed into a double bed at night.

This layout is ideally suited for couples traveling together, with occasional visitors in mind. The layout's three well-defined areas create a welcoming and homey atmosphere. The island bed is a standout feature as it allows both occupants to access the bathroom at night without having to climb over each other. Moreover, the island bed simplifies the bed-making process and offers easy access to the storage space above it. It can even be lifted to reveal a sizable storage area below which is also accessible via an external hatch.

 This caravan is in lovely condition and has only been used a few times.

New Fitted equipment


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